Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

A joyous occasion that every mother loves to share and be surrounded by her kids. Today it marked the day that my husband passed away. So many overwhelming thoughts entered my mind today.

One of my daughters, let me know that she loved me first thing this morning and wished me A Happy Mother's Day. I hugged her to let her know that I am here for her but the reality is, she has been here for me. She is the one that is wiping my tears.

We walked hand in hand into worship today and as I looked at her I seen her dad. The smile, the way she carries herself and her strength.

I have two beautiful daughters that G-d has blessed me with. I thank him everyday for them. We all have our ups and our downs, I am not the perfect mother and nor do I claim to be. I am going to make mistakes, I am going to do somethings that I am going to regret. I regret a lot already but I never miss a chance to let them know I love and I treasure them. Kirsten and Nehya, you two gorgeous Young Ladies are why Mother's Day is so special to me.

I love You Both.



  1. Mommy, I think that we all have times when we mess up. The love is still there, our love is in tact even when we don't like what is being said and done at the time. I am so glad you see daddy in me. That right there made me feel so much better.

    I am glad you are blogging even tho I said NO. I see you really don't listen to me eh? lol

    I Love you also and I am proud that you are my mommy.

    Happy Mother's Day your first post was awesome.

  2. Welcome to the blogworld Mrs.K! :)

  3. hey Mrs K that is such a nice post to start bloggin wid...

    i kno one of ur daughters pretty well n m sure u must b a really proud mother...

    hope to read more of ya :)

  4. Hey mom, don't be all happy and get addicted due to comments. LOL ok back to those teeth!

  5. Hi Nehya's Mom.

    Very nice first post. Now, the question I'm going to ask isn't about that post, but I have to ask your professional opinion on something.

    As a dentist, is it completely necessary to shove your ENTIRE fist into someone's mouth?

    I mean, I know you have to get in there to do some work. I'm just wondering if my gorilla handed dentist is jerking me around.

    He shoved that darn fist in there so deep that the only way I could get my mouth to close was to step on a rusty nail.

    Thanks in advance,


  6. Thank You Honey Girl. I am glad you like the post. Yes I see your father in your all the time.
    Be proud.

    I Love You Also sweetie. No I do not listen to you remember I AM the Mother.

  7. Trinaa Thank you for such a warm welcome. I am glad you are here.

  8. I am sure I know which one it is that you know. I hope she has been showing you manners when she talks to you.

    Glad you enjoyed the blog. I think I know a lot about you also each time I read the blog I see that you tell a little part of your life in it.

    Please come back anytime.

  9. Ms. Ne I am excited that some people like the way I wrote this blog. Don't go and get Jealous on me. Maybe that is why you said no to me writing.

  10. Mike I think I will have to say that your dentist loves joking around with you. You may have a big mouth or it could be that all the medication that they gave you made you feel like you had a fist in your mouth. I think you are as crazy as that blog of yours.

    I have already been told that you are very accident prone so please stay out of the surgeons office that means No cracked teeth or anything unless you want to feel the drill that they have waiting for you.

    Be a good Lad and just stay safe, yes?
    I Love your sense of humor and plus I heard that you are Jewish also, glad to meet you and please come back I will be reading your writings also.

  11. Good to see your blog Mrs. K :)

    Nehya is an amazing woman (she doesnt like me calling her the 'baby sis' anymore; she prefers just the 'sis')... and she loves you a lot...

    I'm happy that you 2 are there for each other...

    Hope to read more of you here... take care...


  12. Arv I will always be there for her, even when she does not want me there. Thanks for that amazing welcome here.

    I hope to be here for awhile, until I cannot write anymore anyway.
